Mexico Visa for the citizens of Hungary

Are you a citizen of Hungary and looking to visit Mexico? You will need to apply for a Mexico visa in order to enter the country. This article will provide you with all the information you need to know about obtaining a Mexico visa for citizens of Hungary.

Mexico Visa Requirements

Mexico Visa Requirements

Citizens of Hungary must obtain a tourist visa or temporary resident visa in order to enter Mexico. The type of visa required depends on the purpose of your trip and how long you plan to stay in Mexico. Tourist visas are valid for up to 180 days, while temporary resident visas are valid for up to 4 years.

In order to apply for a Mexico visa, Hungarian citizens must submit an application form, passport-sized photographs, proof of financial means, and other documents depending on the type of visa they are applying for. It is important to note that all documents must be translated into Spanish and notarized before submitting them.

Mexico FMM

Mexico FMM

Once you have obtained your Mexico visa, you will also need to obtain a Forma Migratoria Multiple (FMM). This is an entry permit that allows foreign nationals to enter and stay in Mexico for up to 180 days. The FMM can be obtained online at Mexico FMM, or at any Mexican consulate or embassy.

It is important to note that the FMM must be presented upon arrival in Mexico, along with your passport and other travel documents. Failure to present the FMM may result in fines or deportation.

Extending Your Stay

Extending Your Stay

If you wish to extend your stay in Mexico beyond 180 days, you must apply for an extension at least 30 days before your current permit expires. Extensions can be applied for online at Mexico FMM, or at any Mexican consulate or embassy.


It is important to note that extensions are only granted in exceptional circumstances and cannot exceed 180 days.

Leaving Mexico

Leaving Mexico

When it is time to leave Mexico, Hungarian citizens must ensure that their FMM has been properly cancelled by immigration authorities before departing the country. If the FMM has not been cancelled, it may result in fines or other penalties.

It is important to note that if your visa has expired while you are still in Mexico, you must leave the country immediately or face possible deportation.