Are you planning to stay in Singapore for a longer period of time? If so, you may need to apply for a visa extension. In this article, we will explain how to get a Singapore visa extension and what documents are required.

How do I get a Singapore Visa Extension?

What is a Singapore Visa Extension?

A Singapore visa extension is an official document that allows foreign nationals to stay in the country for a longer period of time than their initial visa permits. Depending on the type of visa, extensions can be granted for up to six months.

The process of applying for a Singapore visa extension is relatively straightforward and can be done online or through the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA). However, it is important to note that not all visas are eligible for an extension and some require additional documents.

Who Can Apply for a Singapore Visa Extension?

In general, any foreign national who holds a valid Singapore visa can apply for an extension. This includes those who have been issued with a Social Visit Pass, Employment Pass, Student Pass, or Dependent’s Pass.

It is important to note that certain types of visas are not eligible for an extension, such as the Singapore eVisa. Therefore, it is important to check with the relevant authorities before submitting your application.

How Do I Apply For A Singapore Visa Extension?

The process of applying for a Singapore visa extension is relatively straightforward and can be done online or through the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA). The application form must be completed in full and submitted along with supporting documents such as passport copies, proof of employment or study, and other relevant information.

See also:  Singapore e visa copy

Once the application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the ICA and they will decide whether or not to grant the extension. It usually takes around two weeks for the decision to be made.

What Documents Are Required For A Singapore Visa Extension?

The documents required for a Singapore visa extension vary depending on the type of visa being applied for.

Generally speaking, applicants will need to provide copies of their passport, proof of employment or study in Singapore, proof of financial means (such as bank statements), and other relevant information. It is also important to note that some visas require additional documents such as medical reports or police clearance certificates.