E2 Visa for Treaty Investors

Are you looking for a way to invest in the United States? The E2 visa for treaty investors is an excellent option for foreign nationals who want to invest in the US. This visa allows investors to live and work in the US while they manage their investments. Read on to learn more about the E2 visa and how it can benefit you.

What is an E2 Visa?

What is an E2 Visa?

The E2 visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows foreign nationals to enter and stay in the United States for up to two years, with the possibility of renewal. It is specifically designed for treaty investors, meaning those who are investing a substantial amount of capital into a business in the US.

The E2 visa is ideal for entrepreneurs who want to start or expand their business in the US, as well as those who want to manage their investments from abroad. It also allows investors to bring their family members with them, including spouses and children under 21 years old.

Who Qualifies for an E2 Visa?

Who Qualifies for an E2 Visa?

In order to qualify for an E2 visa, applicants must meet certain criteria. First, they must be citizens of a country that has a treaty of commerce and navigation with the United States. Second, they must be investing a substantial amount of capital into a business in the US.

Applicants must also demonstrate that they have control over the funds they are investing and that the investment will generate enough income to support themselves and their family members while living in the US. Finally, applicants must prove that they intend to depart from the US when their visa expires.

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How Do I Apply for an E2 Visa?

How Do I Apply for an E2 Visa?

The first step in applying for an E2 visa is filing Form DS-160 online at USA ESTA. Once this form is completed, applicants will need to submit additional documents such as proof of investment funds, evidence of ownership of the business, and proof of intent to depart from the US upon expiration of their visa.

Once all documents have been submitted, applicants will need to attend an interview at their local US embassy or consulate. During this interview, applicants will be asked questions about their investment plans and intentions while living in the US.

Benefits of an E2 Visa

Benefits of an E2 Visa

The main benefit of obtaining an E2 visa is that it allows investors to live and work in the US while managing their investments. Additionally, it allows investors to bring their family members with them and provides them with access to certain benefits such as Social Security numbers and driver’s licenses.

Another benefit of having an E2 visa is that it does not require applicants to obtain permanent residency status or citizenship in order to remain in the US.